Gods' Medicine is Perfect Medicine
Whenever someone shares with me a success in an herbal treatment, they almost always seem surprised at the results. It can seem like a miracle when we are healed by something that grows so readily and often in our own backyard. It is a miracle, a miracle from God. We must remember a few truths about God to truly understand how perfect His medicine is. In Genesis 1:11 God said" Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb that yields seed, and the fruit tree that yields fruit according to its kind, whose seed is in itself, on the earth". God then proclaimed it to be good. God meant for herbs to be healing medicine for us. I often feel that we do not give Him enough credit for the blessings of herbal medicine. How many times do we dismiss His medicine in exchange for a 'more powerful' chemical produced by man. In essence, I believe it is similar to telling God "you are not powerful enough to heal me". How sad God must be, when we cast Him off in such ways. In what or who to do you put your faith and trust in?
And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which [is] upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which [is] the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. Genesis 1:29
What Happened to Hippocrates 'First Do No Harm'?
According to David Stewart Ph.D. in the 'Healing oils of the Bible', there are over 200,000 deaths in America every year from physician administered drugs and procedures. During the same period of time, fewer than 200 deaths occurred from herbs and supplements. Almost a million died from FDA-approved, properly prescribed, medically administered pharmaceuticals and medical procedures. And it is no wonder. The amount of prescription medication that some people are on is staggering. I heard of a women recently who was on more than 13 different drugs prescribed by her doctor. And guess what? She still does not feel well! How can this be? It's no wonder people are confused and not to mention, still sick. when I see people, including many Christians, cling to those medicine bottles as if it were an idol, I get so sad for them because it is clear they are in bondage. They see their pills as their only lifeline and their doctor as some sort of god who is all to eager to serve up some false sense of healing with a scribble on a notepad.
Healing- The process of making or becoming sound or healthy again.
God's Medicine Does no Harm:
Think about prescription pharmaceuticals for a moment. What are they designed to do? They are specifically designed to block receptor sites and trick your body into thinking it is healed by ignoring the symptoms, or blocking out the symptoms altogether. These symptoms are a grand design put there by God to tell us when something inside of us is wrong or sick. Kind of an alarm system for the body. When we ignore the symptoms and don't fix the problem we are setting ourselves up for even bigger troubles because we haven't actually solved the problem. That's where Gods' medicine comes in. Essential oils and herbs actually clean these receptor sites. These are called Phenylpopanoids. Sesquiterpenes actually erase incorrect information in cellular memory and Monoterpenes restore original DNA. Perfect medicine! Not only do they target the problem, they clean and restore it. One of Gods greatest gifts is how he carries out His perfect restoration in us, inside and out.
Herbs actually heal better than pharmaceuticals any day of the week. There is a scripture in 1 Corinthians 14:33 that reads " For God is not the author of confusion but of peace". I think sometimes we misinterpret the beauty of herbals and think it was meant for that purpose alone, to be beautiful, smell beautiful, make us smile, so we dismiss its therapeutic properties, because something that beautiful couldn't possibly heal me too, right? Wrong. God is perfect and His medicine is perfect and beautiful because that is who God is. Herbs can and do heal in a pure, simple and beautiful way, because that's how God designed it to be, that's how much He loves us.
Of course there is a time and place for pharmaceuticals. I am not denying the fact that they can save lives, because they have. God can heal you in whatever way he chooses to heal you, by any method, because nothing is to hard for God! Always remember that you are in charge of your own health. You have the authority to diagnose and treat yourself in whichever way you choose. One major way we can find healing is through prayer. If you need healing, ask Jesus, He is after all, in the business of healing! Pray without ceasing! It may take getting on your knees and perhaps making some major sacrifices. I Pray you find healing. You are so precious to God and He wants you to be healed. He has not forgotten you, in fact He tells us in His Word that " I will never leave you nor forsake you. So we may boldly say: The Lord is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?". Hebrews 13:5
Please comment if you need special prayers. I have a team of prayer warriors ready to pray for your healing. Or write to me at bbbymichele@yahoo.com.
Sources: Healing Oils of The Bible by David Stewart Ph.D. ,